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Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

What is a Breast Ultrasound?

Bergen Imaging Center in Bergen County, NJ offers breast imaging services, including breast ultrasound. Call today to schedule an appointment.  A breast ultrasound uses sound waves to create a picture of the internal structures of the breast called a sonogram. Unlike an x-ray, an ultrasound does not use radiation. Ultrasound captures images in real time,...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

What You Need to Know About Ultrasound

There are very few medical procedures without risks – but a standard diagnostic ultrasound poses no known risk to humans. Ultrasound is a radiation-free procedure Unlike X-rays, ultrasounds don’t emit radiation. An ultrasound scan  – also known as sonography – uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image inside the body.  The resulting image is...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Mammography and You: Do I Really Need a Mammogram?

Are you a woman? If so, then yes, you need a mammogram. Simply being born with two X chromosomes puts you at ‘average risk’ for breast cancer – and that risk only increases with age. 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer over an 80-year lifespan.  The American College of Radiology (ACR) recommends that...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2019: Awareness vs. Action

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is less than two weeks away.  What can you do to make it meaningful? Sure, you can pin a pink ribbon on your lapel, or share Instagram memes with breast cancer statistics. But do you honestly know anyone who isn’t ‘aware’ of breast cancer? We have enough breast cancer awareness. We...

The Senographe Pristina is Reshaping the Mammography Experience: 5 Things to Know

The Senographe Pristina is Reshaping the Mammography Experience: 5 Things to Know

The Senographe Pristina was created for women, by women. Claire Goodliffe – marketing director for women’s health at GE Healthcare -set out to  ‘humanize mammography’ after research indicated that as many as 40 percent of women skipped breast cancer screening due to fear, anxiety and discomfort surrounding mammograms. She and her colleagues gathered data from...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

General Ultrasound: Not Just for Pregnant Women

You don’t have to be pregnant to have a general ultrasound. In fact, men, women, and even children undergo this procedure as well. The terms “ultrasound” and “sonogram” are often used interchangeably—but a sonogram is the result of an ultrasound. So, the medical procedure, called a general ultrasound produces an image known as a sonogram....

Senographe Pristina by GE makes 3D mammography more comfortable, Bergen Imaging Center, NJ

3D Mammography “Made More Comfortable”: Bergen Imaging Center Installs Ergonomic Senographe Pristina* by GE Healthcare

Mammograms save lives, but they also cause discomfort. New research by Evans, et al., suggests that painful mammograms may explain why 25 to 46 percent of women do not return for further breast imaging. The study concluded that in order to increase participation rates pain-reducing interventions in mammography are needed. At Bergen Imaging Center we...

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