Tag: Breast Cancer Prevention

Home / Breast Cancer Prevention

Mammography and Breast Density: What You Need to Know

We know that screening mammograms detect breast cancer in its earliest stages when it’s still treatable.  However, in women with dense breasts, breast cancer can be harder to detect. So what happens when your mammography report indicates that you have dense breast tissue – and why does it matter? Breast density can only be determined...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Mammography and You: Do I Really Need a Mammogram?

Are you a woman? If so, then yes, you need a mammogram. Simply being born with two X chromosomes puts you at ‘average risk’ for breast cancer – and that risk only increases with age. 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer over an 80-year lifespan.  The American College of Radiology (ACR) recommends that...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2019: Awareness vs. Action

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is less than two weeks away.  What can you do to make it meaningful? Sure, you can pin a pink ribbon on your lapel, or share Instagram memes with breast cancer statistics. But do you honestly know anyone who isn’t ‘aware’ of breast cancer? We have enough breast cancer awareness. We...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: A Mindful Approach to Breast Health

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, take time out to love and celebrate your breasts by living mindfully.  Instead of focusing on negative breast cancer statistics, focus only on the factors you can control right now.    Eat the rainbow – And we don’t mean Skittles! A diet high in fruits and veggies (5.5 servings per day)...

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