Tag: Mammography

Home / Mammography
Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2019: Awareness vs. Action

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is less than two weeks away.  What can you do to make it meaningful? Sure, you can pin a pink ribbon on your lapel, or share Instagram memes with breast cancer statistics. But do you honestly know anyone who isn’t ‘aware’ of breast cancer? We have enough breast cancer awareness. We...

Bergen Imaging Center’s Mini-Guide To Mammography: What to Know Before Your First Mammogram

Bergen Imaging Center’s Mini-Guide To Mammography: What to Know Before Your First Mammogram

If you’ve never had a mammogram you might not know that mammography and deodorant don’t mix. Bergen’s mini-guide to mammography will tell you what else you need to know before you go! Mammography and deodorant don’t mix. Most deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum which shows up on mammograms as little white spots. Unfortunately, these spots...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Mammography News: The Case for Annual Screening Mammograms Starting at 40

While the recommendations for screening mammography vary among organizations, a plethora of research supports annual breast cancer screening starting at 40 years old. Currently, the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend annual screening beginning at 40 years old. The American Cancer Society and the US Preventative Services Task...

Bergen Imaging Center Patient Resources & Imaging News

Breast Cancer Diagnosis, NJ:  Breast Cancer Survivors May Be Skipping Out on Mammograms

A recent study suggests that breast cancer survivors aren’t getting regular follow-up mammograms – even when their insurance covers the procedure. Most doctors recommend that women undergo frequent mammograms after surviving a breast cancer diagnosis in order to detect disease recurrence, and catch it in its earliest stages. However, a recent study published in the...

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